Return to Swimming

We are pleased to announce our plans for return to swimming. In addition to the details below, there are several support documents linked to at the bottom for further guidance and information.

All swimmers must have returned the Health Survey form before they are allocated a swimming session.

The proposal

Swim sessions will be as follows:

12 swimmers to arrive after 5.30pm but to be ready to swim poolside by 5.40pm.
6 swimmers to arrive at 5.40pm and be ready to swim poolside by 5.50pm.
12 swimmers will leave the pool at 6.10pm and be changed and out of the changing rooms by 6.20pm
6 swimmers will leave the pool at 6.20pm and be changed and out of the changing rooms by 6.30pm.

Make sure the health survey has been returned to the club. Your child will not be allocated a session until this has been done. Please download, print and return the Training Health Screen document linked to under the supporting documents section below.

Before arrival make sure your child has done the following:

  • Has a filled water bottle (no filling on site)
  • Is wearing swimming attire under their clothes – beach ready.
  • Has been to the toilet just before coming swimming
  • Start times will be staggered.
  • Do not just turn up – they will be sent home. Only come to their designated session.
  • Remind your child of the lane they have been allocated and their position within it.
  • Check your child is OK to swim – they are not tired, unwell or have an injury.
  • If your child needs and inhaler, make sure they have it and it is labelled with their name.

On arrival

  • Drop your child off at the car park – chaperones will be outside the leisure centre to assist with directions.
  • There is no spectating.

After the session

  • Collect from the car park. Make sure you are there on time.  Contact 07846 828534 if you have a problem that will mean you are late.
  • No parent collecting their child is allowed into the leisure centre to pick up. Chaperones will make sure younger children are seen safely to the car maintaining physical distance.

Supporting documents

Training Health Screen (DJASC) * Must be completed and returned to the club *

Parent and Carer Guidance (DJASC)

Swimmer Guidance (DJASC)

Risk Assessment v4 (DJASC)

Advice for Returning to Exercise after Covid-19 (Swim England)

Chaperone Guidance (DJASC)

Coach Guidance (DJASC)